Dental Implants Cabramatta – Innovative Solutions and Long-Lasting Results
Are you considering dental implants? Cabramatta residents need look no further than LV Dental for their restorative dental work. Our friendly principal dentist, Dr Linda Vo is highly trained and experienced in dental implant surgery. She has successfully helped hundreds of patients just like you, replace missing teeth gaps, restore bite functionality, and improve the aesthetics of their smile.
Here at our modern dental clinic in Cabramatta, Sydney, NSW, we’ve invested in the latest technologies and techniques to give our patients the very best dental implant care they need.
Combining digital X-rays, 3D Cone Beam dental imaging from Vatech, and top implant brands such as Dio, Straumann and Minimax Dentium, our dentist is well-versed in providing dentistry patients with high quality, natural looking, long-lasting solutions for teeth replacement.

What are dental implants in Cabramatta?
A dental implant acts as a replacement tooth root. Made from titanium, it’s surgically implanted into the jaw bone where the missing tooth or teeth used to be. Over a period of a few months, it fuses with the surrounding bone and soft tissues to become a permanent fixture in the mouth. It’s then strong enough to support a dental crown or dental bridge.
Can anyone have a dental implant in Cabramatta NSW?
The majority of people can have dental implants provided they’re in good overall health and able to have surgery. However, dental implants, similar to natural teeth, require support from nearby bone, so there does need to be sufficient depth and width of healthy bone in your jaw to give a dental implant the best chance of success. That said, our dentists may recommend a bone graft or sinus lift, prior to dental implant surgery to grow more bone and create more space for the dental implants.
Why choose LV Dental as your “go-to” dentist for dental implants in Cabramatta NSW?
Depending on your individual case we can perform different types of dental implant surgery: non-guided, guided, flap, and flapless and will put together a treatment plan tailored to your dental needs.
We differ from many other Cabramatta dental clinics in that we use a small sample of your own blood to obtain concentrated growth factors (CGF). These are combined with bone graft materials, placed into a tooth socket after extraction, and placed alongside the dental implant to speed up the healing time, and make the procedure more predictable and effective. We also use laser therapy which minimises the loss of blood, promotes healing, and reduces patient discomfort following surgery.

How long is the dental implant procedure here in NSW?
Since the dental implant procedure is carried out in stages, it typically requires a series of appointments in our Cabramatta dental clinic in Sydney NSW, over 6-9 months. If you require bone grafting, then you may need to add another 3 months to that.
If you’d like more information about dental implants in Cabramatta or, indeed would like to find out if you’re a suitable candidate for the procedure, then please call our family dentist, LV Dental on (02) 9158 6373 or book online today to schedule your consultation. We offer a 5-year warranty for dental implants on the proviso that patients maintain their 6 monthly check-up and clean appointments.